A mailbox with bees on it and the words bee for everyone
A mailbox with the address of a designer mailbox.
A white mailbox with the number 3 9 5 on it.
A mailbox on top of a post in front of some flowers.

Buffalo Mailbox Installation

Designer Mailbox has been installing mailboxes and posts in the Buffalo New York 
area since 1994. Servicing all of the Western New York Area.We offer our own complete line of custom made mailboxes and posts in wood, aluminum, steel, pvc and vinyl. WE also can install the mailbox you have.

When you order a mailbox system from us and if you have a problem. We are here to help. Not a 1-800 number, Not a web site.

      "Most mailbox systems will be installed within 2 weeks"

                                       Scan down farther for more options

We are Here

We are Local

We are Buffalo NY

Click on pictures for more information and prices

Call 716-631-0391 

 Text/Call 716-435-5251

email, mewbox@aol.com

Please Note

We are not responsible for sprinkler systems

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